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A framework for lattice computations on the GPU
A framework for lattice computations on the GPU
Oscilloscope-like GUI to visualize int16_t (binary) waveforms using ROOT
A fork of 'https://github.com/jgreitemann/colormap.git' with support of CPT
ADerrors meet Julia
A framework for lattice computations on the GPU
A C++ header-only parser for LeCroy binary files (.trc)
Running and analysing Multiple-Higgs-SU(2) Lattice simulations
Microcanonical simulations for Lattice QCD
Measurement and analysis code for topological charge and susceptibility with the gradient flow
Framework to compute Schrödinger functional correlation functions based on LatticeGPU (https://igit.ific.uv.es/alramos/latticegpu.jl)
ADerrors meet Julia
Quantum Rotor Simulations